
Sunday, February 19, 2006

How Do We Pray

There are many places in the Bible where Jesus teaches the Disciples and His followers how to pray and what to pray for. Jesus instructs the Disciples to pray where it is quiet so that their thoughts are only on our Heavenly Father. Jesus also teaches us to pray with our heart so that we really mean what we are praying and not just saying words through habit.

To begin prayer, start by thanking God for the day which has just begun, thank Him also for all the good things you have received. Tell God how much you love Him and long to do good and ask God while you pray to help you be a good person. Ask God to look after and protect your family, friends and others who may not be as happy as you are.

When you have finished this type of prayer, you and your family may wish to pray the Rosary which is a very powerful form of prayer and helps us to be strong Christians. It is during the Rosary that we are reminded of Gods Powerful Love for each of us and we learn through the example of both Jesus and Mary how to do God's Will and be good people.

Prayer teaches us to how to love God better and this makes God very happy with us.

Copyright © 2006 Steve Smith. All rights reserved.

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