
Monday, March 27, 2006

The Fourth Commandment- Honor your Father and Mother

The Fourth Commandment tells us to love and respect our parents, to obey them and help them when they are in need. When we obey our parents, we are obeying God because our parents take the place of God while we are on this earth. God gives us life but He shares that gift He has given with our Father and Mother.

He wants them to show us how to love by the love they give to you and each other. They are our best teachers. They teach us lots of wonderful things, the most important of them being how much God loves us. Our parents teach us ho to love and serve God.

Other people, like your grandparents or aunts and uncles, have that special gift from God also. They need to be treated with honor and respect, too.

God blesses us when we honor and love our parents for His sake. When we disobey our parents, we should tell them that we are very sorry and will try very hard to obey them. As a boy, Jesus obeyed and love his parents. He helped Saint Joseph with his work in the carpenter shop and also helped his mother Mary at home.

Our parents do so much for us! Let us love them and show them ho thankful we are for everything they do for us.

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