
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Sixth Commandment- Do Not Commit Adultery

The sixth commandment tells us to be pure in all that we do, hear and see. This commandment is not only for married people, when we do anything that is impure we are breaking God’s law. We should not look at bad pictures or movies, speak impure words or touch ourself or anyone in an impure way.

For married couples, on their wedding day they promise to share their love only with each other. They must keep that promise. When people aren't married, this commandment reminds us to honor ourselves and be sincere with our friends. We should be a true friend and not break promises and not lead our friends to break their promises.

We keep our souls healthy by receiving the Sacraments regularly, by going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation when we sin and by receiving Jesus in Holy Communion as often as possible. Let us also remember to pray to our Blessed Mother and ask her to help us to be and stay pure and keep us from doing anything that is wrong.

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