
Monday, June 12, 2006

The Holy Spirit and The Sacraments

Baptism gives us a new birth as a child of God. The Holy Spirit comes to us in a very special way in the Sacrament of Confirmation. We receive the seal of the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Father and the Son.

Confirmation gives us a special strength and unites us more perfectly with the Church. The strength we get helps us to live in the world as a witness of Jesus living in us and working through us to help others.

The Holy Spirit helps us to bring Jesus, His perfect example, way of life and His Church to others.

We must remember to ask for this grace in prayer often. The Holy Spirit lives in our soul. He makes us holy by giving us sanctifying grace, giving us the virtues of faith, hope and love.

The virtue of faith helps us to believe God’s word and know that He loves and cares about us. Faith helps us to know that we can trust God.

Hope is the virtue that helps us believe and know that Jesus promised us His love and to take care of us forever. He will never leave us alone, but we have to stay united to Him.

The virtue of love helps us to love God and people. When the Holy Spirit is in us we are able to love each other with the love of God, even people we don’t like if we want to.

The Holy Spirit gives us grace that helps us for our mind and will to do good. We are given the strength to do good and avoid evil.

The Holy Spirit unites us to God by love and helps us to maintain our friendship with Him through prayer and makes our prayers more pleasing to God.

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