
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Fruits of the Spirit-Peace

The Bible tells us:

"May the God who gives hope fill you with great joy.
May you have perfect peace as you trust in him.
May the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope."

Romans 15:13

When we think of peace, we usually think of a place of rest. Having a wonderful place to rest can bring a peaceful feeling to our mind and body. Is your room your place of rest? Or maybe it is the garden outside? God wants your heart and Spirit to have a place to rest. You can have the peace that comes from God. It is a resting place for your Spirit. Your heart can be quiet and still and you can know that God will take care of you.

"Be still and know that I am God...." Psalms 46:10

God knew we could not have perfect peace without Him. He wants us to know the kind of peace only He can give to us. When we know Jesus, by reading the Bible, praying etc, our hope in God is real. It gives us power to trust Him, all the time. God is pleased when we trust Him. Trusting God is called faith. Tell your friends about Jesus and the gift of perfect peace. God will bring rest to their hearts too!

What a wonderful gift it is, to have peace in our hearts. When you are resting and saying your prayers, remember to thank God for His gift of peace!

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