
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Why It Is Important To Read The Bible

Everyday it is a good idea to read small passages from the Bible, not only is it good for us, it also helps us to know Jesus better.

Because if we don't know Jesus then how can we understand what is His Will and what would make God happy with us? When we read the Bible slowly we get to know Jesus and what He is teaching us through His Holy Word.

It is a very good idea to read the Bible with your parents, so that if you have questions about some verses your parents can help answer them.

When we read the Bible we understand that God wishes us to be good people and through the Bible we also learn what is pleasing to God and will make Jesus happy with us.

So everyday try and read a few pasagages from the Bible and learn from Jesus, for He is humble and meek of heart and He loves all children.

Copyright © 2006 Steve Smith. All rights reserved.

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