Symbol- Picture of your family
A lot of people were against Jesus, but a lot of people followed him. They were his faithful friends. The women came to Jesus with their children, their tender hearts crying and wanting to comfort Him. He saw their love, their care. He saw the coldness of men's hearts for all time, the hatred, the anger, the sins, all the souls that, despite all of His sufferings and death, would be condemned to eternal damnation. He told the women to weep not for Him, but for themselves and their children. His greatest agonies were the agonies of His Most Sacred Heart.
Let’s look at Jesus
Jesus gets up and continues on the road carrying his heavy cross. He passes some women who are crying because they are so sad to see him suffer. Jesus tells the women not to cry for him. He tells them to take care of others, and especially to take care of their children.
Let’s look at our hearts
Sometimes we get caught up thinking only of ourselves. Nothing seems to be going our way and it can be very hard to help others. Are we not being selfish thinking only of ourselves?
Picture Jesus embracing you. Give him your selfishness and ask for and receive his generosity and kindness. Ask him for his heart, a heart that cares and thinks about others.
V.We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee.
R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Jesus could hear the crying of the women in the crowd. He knew they were sad. He stopped and talked to them. Even at this terrible time, Jesus was not thinking of himself, he was thinking of all of us.
Dear Jesus,
You stopped to help those in need. I get selfish at times and think only of myself. Help me to reach out to others as you did. Help me to see the needs of others and put their needs above mine. Help me to be a faithful friend. When my friends are going through a hard time or are being made fun of, I want to help them and be a true friend.
Mary, help me to see Jesus in all things.
Almighty Father, help me to not be hurtful or selfish. Help me to see the needs others have even when I have problems of my own. This I ask through Christ Our Lord.
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