Today we hear about the Transfiguration of Jesus. Jesus was revealed to be the Son of God to three of His disciples.
Jesus took Peter, James and John and went to the top of a mountain to pray. Something amazing happened! Jesus’ face shone like the sun and His clothing became such a dazzling white that it shone! Jesus was speaking with two men, Moses and Elijah. They were telling Him about what as going to happen, His death and Resurrection. The disciples were amazed at what they were seeing! A dark cloud came over the disciples and a voice from Heaven said “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." They fell prostrate and cowered in fear. Jesus came over to them and touched them and told them to not be afraid. Jesus told them to tell no one of what they had seen and heard until He had been raised from the dead.
Have you ever been awe struck? Think of a time when you were so amazed by something that it took your breath away, time almost stood still! What was amazing about the experience? Wasn’t it a nice feeling? Do you know that that there is nothing more amazing than the love of Jesus? His love for us is so great that it is amazing! Oh how Jesus loves us!
Let us thank Him for His amazing love for us, such a great love that He died for us. Thank you Jesus for your amazing love for me.
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