Symbol- Rock
Jesus fell again and the soldiers didn’t help him. They only yelled louder for him to get up and continue on. Jesus fell hard the third time. He was so weakened He could not go on. His body collapsed under the cross from such exhaustion! Jesus didn’t get mad at them, he forgave them.
When we fall, when we struggle, Jesus gives us the grace to get up. Jesus never gives us more than we can handle. Our strength will come from Jesus.
Let’s look at Jesus
Jesus is very tired now and he can barely take another step. It is hard for him to breathe. He has been walking for a long time along the dusty, rocky road, and he has no energy left. He just can't go on anymore.
Jesus falls down in the street for the third time. He asks God to help him. He gets up again, even though it is hard for him to do.
Let’s look at our hearts
Sometimes we try very hard and we do our best but just cannot seem to be able to succeed. People may make fun of us and yell at us to try harder. Picture Jesus at your side embracing you and holding your hand. Ask him to give you the strength to persevere.
V.We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee.
R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Jesus continues walking, tired, in pain, and pushed by the soldiers. He falls again. They laugh at him. He gets up, steadies himself and walks the last few yards to - The Place of the Skull, where he is to be crucified.
Dear Jesus,
help me to see that nothing is greater than You. Nothing is greater than Your love for me. Help me to see that with Your help, I can do it. Sometimes people say or do hurtful things to us or don’t help us when we need them. Jesus, help me to forgive everyone like you did. Help me not to get angry or hold a grudge against someone who has hurt me.
Mary, help me to see Jesus in all things.
Almighty Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to us. Help me to always follow Him. This I ask through Christ Our Lord.
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