
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fruits of the Spirit- Love

The Bible tells us:

"The three most important things to have are
faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Why do we love people? Do we love them because they are important people? Or because they are pretty? Maybe you love someone because their skin is the same color as yours? Do you love others because they like you, and do everything the way you want them to? Should you love them because they believe or think just like you?

There are different kinds of love. We love our parents, family, friends and our pets. All are good when you use them the way God tells you to. God's love is very special. It is not conditional. God does not love us "if we" do certain things, He just LOVES us. Imagine He loves us more than our parents love us! He loves us clean, dirty, special, not so special, big, small, good or bad! This does not mean that loves the bad things that we do. That would not be God! He hates sin because He knows it will hurt us!

God wants us to love other people the way He loves them. He wants us to care for people who are hurting, sick, poor and even those who do not know Him the way we do. He wants us to show His love to others, just the way Jesus would. When we pray for others to be blessed by God, we show Him that we love them with His love.

Do you know how important you are? What you look like does not matter to us. We love you, just because YOU are important to God, and He loves YOU! We love you so much that telling you about God and His great love is very important to us. We want you to know God in a real and personal way.

We pray that you are well and safe. We pray that the eyes and ears to your heart can hear God and see His ways. We pray that your hearts will know Him. We ask God to bless you with His saving grace. We want you to live with all the Fruits of His Holy Spirit in your life.

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