The cross was so heavy that Jesus could not move. The soldiers became angry and forced a man to help Him. The cross was so heavy that the two of them could barely move it. Simon didn’t come to help Jesus but to see what was going on. Then he was ordered by the soldiers to carry the cross, because Jesus was having such a hard time.
Let’s look at Jesus
Jesus was so tired that the soldiers knew he could not carry the heavy cross by himself. So they look around and see someone who looks strong enough to help Jesus carry this cross. This person's name is Simon.
Jesus looks at Simon and quietly whispers, "Thank you" to him. They continue on the long road, carrying the cross together.
Let’s look at our hearts
Helping someone can be difficult sometimes. Think of a time when someone asked you for help and you did not want to help them. Did you help them? Picture Jesus at your side.
Can you think of a time when you were asked to help someone and did not want to help? Show Jesus what it was like when that happened, and picture Jesus loving you as you show him your heart. Maybe you can even hear Jesus whisper, "Thank you for helping." Ask Jesus to give you a helping heart.
V.We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee.
R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
The soldiers saw that Jesus was weak. They were afraid that he might not make it to the place where he was to be crucified. The soldiers see Simon of Cyrene. A soldier pushes Simon toward Jesus telling him to carry the cross. Simon saw Jesus was bruised and bleeding and quickly picked up the cross. He carried it for Jesus. They moved on with Jesus following Simon.
Dear Jesus,
Sometimes I pretend not to hear when my parents call me. I leave when I know others could use my help. Sometimes I don’t want to help my friends or brothers and sisters or parents when I am told to. Jesus, help me know that when I do help others, it is like helping you. I want to be kind and helpful.You gave help to everyone. When you needed help, you accepted it. Help me to give and accept help.
Mary, help me to see Jesus in all things.
Almighty Father, Help me to be a friend to friendless. Help me to help the needy. This I ask through Christ Our Lord.
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