Symbol- Statue or picture of Mary
Jesus saw the face of His beautiful Mother. She was weak, her face reddened and full of tears. He saw her tender heart, her love, her anguish and her pain. He saw His dear Mother Mary. His Heart was comforted by the sight of her, but torn by her suffering.
As Mary looked into the eyes of Jesus, she saw His love. His head, bleeding and wounded. His body was weak. His clothes covered with blood. She looked into His eyes and she saw His love for us. He gave Himself for us. Oh, He loves us so much!
We are Mary's little children. See through Mary's eyes the love of her Son. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
Let’s look at Jesus
Jesus walked slowly with the cross on his shoulders. A woman comes up to Him. It’s Mary his mother. How sad for them to see each other now. Mary feels so sad because she sees how much he is suffering. Jesus sees the sadness Mary feels. Even though they both know that God is with them, they can't even say anything to each other, because they are so sad.
Let’s look at our hearts
Think of a time when you have been sad. Being sad is a lonely feeling isn’ it? Picture Jesus at your side. Give him all your feelings, the loneliness and the hurt. See Jesus embracing you for giving your feelings to him. remember to pray and ask him to make your heart like his.
V.We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee.
R. Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
Mary sees the procession moving through the streets. She hurries to Him There he was in front of her. The cross was so heavy, he was trembling. His body was bleeding. His mother tries to get closer to him. He tries to get closer to his mother but the soldiers pushed him away. Jesus knew that his mother was sad to see him suffering so much. But he was so happy she came to him. Mary loved Jesus very much.
The procession moves on.
Dear Jesus,
Help me to see those around me who love me. Our parents love us very much, and sometimes we don’t let them hug us and care for us because we are mad or sad or don’t want them to see us in trouble. Jesus, I thank you for my parents and their love for me.Help me to understand that I need them as much as they need me.
Mary, help me to see Jesus in all things.
Almighty Father, When I feel alone, help me to remember to turn to my parents for help and most of all, You. This I ask through Christ Our Lord.
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